Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Teachers and Students

Classroom Responsibilities Set the Tone for the new Academic Session

It’s that time of the year again. Students are “anxiously” awaiting the start of a new academic year. Our students at BSM College, Cooch Behar know what to expect from their teachers. It’s a strict code of conduct that sets the tone for our expectations of them and our responsibilities to them. We make it clear that it is a two-way street. Ethics always is when you look at it from the perspective of the Golden Rule: Treat Others the Way You Would Want to be Treated. It is in their vein that we offer up the code of classroom responsibilities with the hope it might help teachers of all education levels struggling with how to teach basic ethics including personal responsibility, integrity, fair treatment, respect and exercising due care all with the goal of pursuing excellence in everything we do. A classroom is like a laboratory in which we experiment with different teaching techniques and hope to find a way to break through the apathy that all too many students feel towards education by engaging them in active, not passive learning whereby they are active participants in the learning process.

Classroom Code of Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

If you violate any of these rules, teacher may ask you to leave class for the day. Teacher don’t want to embarrass anyone but teacher expect to have your respect and attention throughout the course.

Teacher Obligations

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