Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya

Human Values And Professional Ethics

Human Values And Professional Ethics

Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya stands for its commitment to the development of the people of its surrounding society. The college runs several courses related to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, and Sustainability to sensitize and make the students aware of the diverse issues of the present world.
As a part of the Under Graduate syllabus of Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, the course of Environmental Studies has been given immense importance and the students of all the streams of the UG Programme have to pass the exam of Environmental Studies in their First Year (1st and 2nd semester ).
The syllabi of different subjects of the Under Graduate Programme of Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University incorporate topics related to awareness of gender equality and the ill effects of gender discrimination. In English Honours Programme a course titled Women’s Writing (CEH 14) has been introduced. The Add-on course titled “Rajbanshi Samaj O Sanskriti” conducted by the Department of Bengali also intricately analyzes the status and situation of Rajbanshi Women.
Professional Ethics and Human values are also given importance in the Under Graduate syllabus of Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University which the college has followed as an affiliated institution of it. In BA General Programme, the syllabus of Philosophy has accommodated Value Education as a part of its Skill Enhancement Courses. Course Code SEC 2 of the BA Programme Course in Philosophy is titled Value Education.
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