Baneswar Sarathibala Mahavidyalaya

Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee

Sexual Harassment Prevention Cell

The Sexual Harassment Prevention Cell has been established to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to all the staff members and students. The cell meets the following objectives :

Activities of the committee ----- Need Data

Composition of Sexual Harassment Prevention Cell

1 ICC MembersMember
2Sri. Debashish SarkarMember
3Dr. Karna DasMember
4Sri. Abu HossainMember

Meeting details of the committee

Sl.NoDateAgendaMinutes of MeetingATR Report
1.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
2.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
3.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
4.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
5.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
6.Need DataNeed DataNeed DataNeed Data
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